(Non) Humanism & Animism my newest performative installation was premiered by ensemble But What About this last weekend, at Gaudeamus 2018. Here a talk about the creative process moderated by Rens Machielse, former director HKU Muziek & Technologie. Interviewees are me & Marte Boneschansker (who also was featerud at Gaudeamus with her project BLOOS). – Extra guests: But What About (Wilco Oomkes), Matthías Ingiberg Sigurðsson (composer for BLOOS)
• Tinguely, Bauhaus & HKW
So much fabulous radiophonic news from the German speaking part of the world: last summer Anosmia was part of Savvy Funk at Documenta 14 in Kassel and Berlin. Next month, from May 4th 2018 till June 16th 2018 Anosmia will be featured in Interspaces an exhibition in Kunstlerhaus Kärnten in Klagenfurt in Austria.
And, last but not least, Anosmia will be on display for Radiophonic Spaces: the very first large scale overview exhibition about 100 year Radio Art to be held in Museum Tinguely in Basel, in Bauhaus in Weimar and Haus der Kulturen Welt in Berlin from October 2018 till September 2019. Anosmia will be featured alongside 200 treasures by a.o. Antonin Artaud, Orson Welles, Samuel Beckett, John Cage, Friederike Mayröcker to Michaela Mélian, Brandon LaBelle, Alessandro Bossetti, Ahmet Ögüt or Natascha Sadr Haghighian.
• Stereophonic in(ter)ventions
Some geeky impressions from my artistic residency at Gaudeamus and Muziekhuis in Utrecht. Preparing the technical part of a new radio phonic live performance commissioned by Gaudeamus Muziekweek, to be premiered by ensemble But What About upcoming September 2018. Now, together with Ruud van Kluten re-discovering several historical speaker and headphone stereophony possibilities. Most of it is a loud and clear re confirmation of the tremendously deep ‘power of sound’.
photos Aurélie Lierman
• interview Radio Klara, VRT/China
Globalization and telecommunication at its best ! Today Vincent Meessen and me had a talk about the exhibition Patterns for (Re)cognition at Radio Klara (VRT). Vincent live from the radio studio in Brussels. And me – via the phone – live from Lijiang Studio Yunnan, rural China, lower Himalayas (Yes, flew almost directly from East-Africa to East Asia. Here right now in an absolutely fabulous residency run by Jay Brown & curated by Crystal Pascucci). Vincent and me were talking about Tshela Tendu’s pioneering Congolese modern art in the 1930’s, Tshela Tendu’s one time accidental meeting with Jan Vansina in the 1950’s. In case u missed it, here a link to the radio interview (in Dutch).