2023 Umva!
Duration: 55’ | Music theatrical performance for a sextet | Instrumentation: singing and speaking voice, shell chimes, Fulani flute, ihembe, slit drum, flexatones, amayugi, double wind wand bullroaer, talking drum, viola, fujara, duduk, kaval, frame drum, digital tape – Premiered by HERMESensemble & Silbersee
2022 Ishango
Duration: 17’ | Chambermusic piece for a trio | Instrumentation: wood block, singing and speaking voice, kazoo, Bb bass clarinet, melodica, tuned bottles – Premiered by Organo
2020 Wir Irren
Duration: 30’ | Music theatrical performance for a quintet | Instrumentation: vocal quintet, prepared piano, euphonium, violin, double bass, melodica, kazoo, double wind wand bull roarer, glockenspiel, found objects, digital tape – Premiered by Ictus
2019 Disrupted Transmissions
Duration: 15’ | Quartet for acoustic sound and acoustic space | Instrumentation: Eb clarinet, double windwand bullroarer, toy instruments, digital tape (monophonic) – Premiered by But What About
2019 (Non) Humanism & Animism: Sogokuru
Duration: 45’25” | performative installation for 4 moving musicians, binaural audio, Silent Disco headphones | Instrumentation: voice, bass clarinet, Eb clarinet, frame drum, viola, kalimba, (toy) accordion, melodica, berimbau, double windwand bullroarer, toy instruments, foley, blue tooth speaker, digital tape, etc. – Premiered by But What About
2018 (Non) Humanism & Animism: Absental Dynamics
Duration: 34’39” | performative installation for 4 moving musicians, binaural audio, Silent Disco headphones | Instrumentation: voice, bass clarinet, frame drum, prepared ukelele, kalimba, melodica, berimbau, double windwand bullroarer, toy instruments, foley, blue tooth speaker, digital tape, etc. – Premiered by But What About
2015 Bare Faced for Lazara Rosell Albear & Sammy Baloji
Duration: +-45 | performative installation for 2 video screens, 1 dancer/musician, 1 musician | Instrumentation: voice, drumset, toy instruments, found objects, cassette (4.2 surround) – Premiered by Lazara Rosell Albear & Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman
2014 Santoor Lena Bicycle – NWW
studio collaboration w Nurse With Wound
Instrumentation: voice + analogue and digital electronics
2014 Dismembered Voices
Duration: +- 5’ | Trio for 2 vocalists and flutist + live electronics | instrumentation: Voice, flute, tuning fork, oscillator – Premiered by Maria Avraam, Mariza Anastasiades and Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman
2014 “Where Are You?”
Duration: 8’19” | Trio for 2 percussionists and 1 pianist | Instrumentation: temple gongs, slit drums, prepared piano, analogue tape, analogue television screen, video camera – Premiered by Ensemble Royal
2013 [SIC] – NWW
studio collaboration w Nurse With Wound
Instrumentation: voice + analogue and digital electronics
2012 de Triangles Infinis
Duration: 3’41” | Quintet for 5 percussionists | Instrumentation: vibrafoon, tam-tam, gongs, mokusho, found objects, no amplification
– Premiered by Slagwerk Den Haag
2012 LOOP (revised version)
Duration: +- 21’ | performative installation for 2 tap dancers, prepared dance floor, digital tape (2.1 stereo) – Premiered by Sonolabduo
2011 Marie Marie Marie Aimée
Duration: 11’13” | Performance/choreography for 3 equal voices | Instrumentation: 2 sopranos, 1 countertenor, amplification (2.0 stereo)
– Premiered by Zinzi Frohwein, Ginette Puylaert, Nikolay Gladskikh
2011 LOOP
Duration: indeterminated | performative installation for 2 tap dancers, prepared dance floor (2.1 stereo)
– Premiered by Sonolabduo
2011 Mwami
Duration: 8’ | Trio for accordion, contrabass trombone, bass tuba
– Premiered by An Raskin, Adrian Miranda Rodondo, Lars Peder Brinks Sorensen