2017 Sampling the Man of Memory (revised)
Duration: continuous randomised 5’ loop
Nagra III speakers, Nagra III tape recorders, directional Hypersound speakers, analog tape (8.0 surround)
2015 Sampling the Man of Memory
Duration: continuous randomised 5’ loop
Nagra III loudspeakers, Nagra III tape recorders, analog tape (6.0 surround)
2017 Kruispunt Kruger
Duration: 10’ looped
rotating directional Hypersound speakers, digital tape (2.0 surround)
2017 In Vogelvlucht
Duration: 3’ looped
rotating directional Hypersound speakers, 2 regular speakers, digital tape (4.0 surround)
2015 Context, Gravity, Expressions I
Duration: 25’ looped
video, digital tape (2.0 stereo)
2015 Context, Gravity, Expressions II
Duration: 6’ looped
video, digital tape (2.0 stereo)
Duration: 37’30”
light score, digital tape (4.2 cross stereo)
2012 Procella
Duration: continuous randomised 4’30 loop
video, digital tape, 8 speakers, 64 earphones (surround)