iii Instrument Inventors Initiative is currently in residency in MoKS (Mooste, Estonia) all month of October. I have been invited to join them (for which I feel very honored). Next to developing new work in the relaxing and inspiring environment of Mooste, we’re also touring around the Baltics. In the coming weeks I’ll take part in gigs and public presentations in Ãœle Heli Festival in Talinn, No Patent Pending # 15 in Mooste and the No Patent Pending # 16 in Helsinki.
Special thanks to Q-O2 for co-supporting my artist residency here in MoKS
(iii) Instrument Inventors Initiative is an artist run platform based in The Hague, that develops self-made media which supports idiosyncratic research trajectories that zig-zag between disciplines and distribution channels.